The Scriptures

The Bible is uniquely inspired by God as a revelation of his purpose and will, consequently it is inerrant in all it teaches, entirely trustworthy and of authority in all matters of faith and practice.

The Godhead

There is one God, made known to us in three personalities: God the Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.

God the Father

As Creator, God is the author and sustainer of all that exists.  As Redeemer, He is committed to restoring His creation and will one day complete its renewal in beauty and perfection.

Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ is fully God and fully human.  He lived a sinless perfect life.  He was crucified and died as a sacrifice for sins and a substitute for sinners.  He rose bodily from the dead and now lives in heaven, representing, to the Father, those who trust Him.

The Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit is God, and he personally convinces us of our need for God.  He lives in those who trust in Jesus Christ and gives us the ability to live as God desires.

Mankind and Sin

Human life alone is made in the image of God and is precious.  All people, having turned from God, need Him to rescue them from their naturally sinful condition and choices.


In order to be rescued from the consequences of our sins, we must individually recognize our need for God.  We must trust that the death of Jesus removes our deserved punishment and provides the only way to be right with God.  The ultimate consequence for those who do not trust in the work of Jesus Christ is eternal separation from God, while those who trust will be forever with Him

The Church

The church, both local and worldwide, is made up of those who trust in Jesus Christ.  Its fundamental purpose is to bring glory to God

The Second Coming

In the future, Jesus Christ will return to reward and judge all of his creation